7th Movember 2018  Edition One.
In this edition:
The proposed lift design at Beecroft Train Station,
Remembarance Day.

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Urgent eNews
 This eNews has been released to inform residents of two significant matters. The first relates to the proposed lifts at Beecroft Station. The second refers to Remembrance Day this coming Sunday.  Expect a regular eNews later next week.

Ross Walker

The proposed lift design at Beecroft Train Station
The Trust fully supports the proposal to provide disabled access from Wongala Crescent to the Beecroft train station platform. However we have concerns about the loss of our existing practical pedestrian ramp in Wongala Crescent which has faithfully served our local community for many years.  The proposed design intends installing a second lift in Wongala Crescent that will replace the existing ramp with a series of steps. The Trust has been liaising with Hornsby Council staff and discussions indicate that it is feasible to retain the ramp adjoining the proposed lift. 

The removal of the ramp will tend to encourage a higher percentage of train commuters to use the lift. Also many local residents who simply use the subway and ramp to cross under the train line, are likely to use the lift if the alternative are steps. This will create congestion at the lift, and it will also be an inconvenience for many people who are capable of using the ramp.
If you agree that the ramp should be retained, it is important that you lodge an objection by THIS FRIDAY, 9th November.  CLICK HERE to send your submission.
The more objections that are sent in, the more that TNSW will be influenced to amend their plans.  There is no need to go into detail in your objection. Simply state your objection to the loss of the ramp.

To view the website and all the supporting documents CLICK HERE and scroll down to find the links to the various reports. The overarching report is the Review of Environmental Factors (REF).  Page 37 of the REF has an elevation view of what the proposed lift and steps in Wongala Crescent will look like with the ramp removed.  


Remembrance Day – 11 am on Sunday 11th November 2018
There will be short service held at the Beecroft Cenotaph on Sunday morning to commemorate the centenary of the ending of the war to end all wars. Those participating in the service will assemble on the Cenotaph side of Wongala Street from 10.10 am . The march will commence at 10.45 am.  At 10.58 am precisely, all the church bells in Beecroft will toll, as they did 100 years ago.  The tolling will be followed by a minute’s silence.  The service will finish at 11.20 am when refreshments will be served.
Later in the afternoon commencing at 5 pm, the Castle Hill RSL Band will be holding a short service to mark the centenary of the WW1 Armistice, this being the same time as it is to be done in France (being 6 am there).  

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The eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the community. Currently we have over 1040 email addresses, up from 900 two months ago.  We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends.  The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.  Trust Membership is not a requirement. 

The eNews archives are available HERE.  To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.

The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.

Kind regards,
Ross Walker

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BCCT eNews July 2017
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